박성진(Park, Sung-Jin) 교수
- 소속/직위
- 글로벌행정학과 부교수
- 연구실
- 정의관 405호
- 연락처
- 033)760-2320
- 학위
- 경영학 박사 (University of Texas at San Antonio)
현재, 연세대학교 글로벌창의융합대학 글로벌행정학과 부교수 전공분야: 정부회계, 재무행정 한국조세재정연구원 국가회계재정통계센터 소장 (2022-2024) 미국 인디애나대학교 사우스벤드 부교수 (with Tenure) (Indiana University South Bend, USA, 2016-2023) 미국 텍사스대학교 샌안토니오 경영학 박사(University of Texas at San Antonio, USA, 2016) 미국 인디애나대학교 회계학/세무학 석사, 2008/2010 연세대학교 행정학 석사, 2000 연세대학교 행정학 학사, 1998 <강의> 학부전공: 정부회계론, 행정학세미나 일반대학원: Climate Change and Sustainable Development
International Public Sector Accounting Standard Board (IPSASB), incoming member (2025~) US Certified Public Accountant (State of Indiana, Inactive) North Central Indiana Small Business Development Center 가치평가 컨설턴트 (2019) 한국회계학회 정부회계위원회 위원장 (2023~현재) 한국정부회계학회 부회장 (2023~현재) 한국지자체 회계대상 평가위원회 위원 (2022~현재)
<학술지 논문> -Park, S-J and S-K Jang. 2021. “Asymmetric Information and Excessive Budgets: The Influence of Performance-Based Budgeting on Budgetary Slack” – International Review of Public Administration, 26(4): 353-372 -Jang, S-K, S-J Park, and R. Eager. 2021. “Practice and Theory: The Diffusion of State Legislative Budget Reform” – Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs, 7(3): 307-323. -Park, S-J, T. Kang, and J. Boone. “Does Industry Co-Location Improve Corporate Information Environment” – Business Research Quarterly, forthcoming -Kang, T. and S-J Park. “Geographic Industry Concentration and Asymmetric Cost Behavior” – Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance, forthcoming -Park, S-J, R. Reddy, and V. Bindroo. “Do Mergers and Acquisitions Disrupt Marketing Capabilities” – Business Research Quarterly, forthcoming (published online) -Meisami, A., S-J Park, and M. Meysami. 2024. “Revenue Concentration and Capital Structure” – Managerial Finance, 50(8): 1462-1479. -Khan, S., S-J Park, S. Veliotis, and J. Wald. 2023. “Director and Officer Liability and Corporate Tax Avoidance” – Journal of Business, Finance & Accounting, 50(7-8): 1338-1371 -Park, S-J and E. Nwaeze. 2023. “Earnings and Cash Flow Comparability in Incentive Compensation” – Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, 23(30): 72-95 -Reddy, R., F. Fabian, and S-J Park. 2023. “Whether, How, And Why Home Country Environments Influence Emerging Market Firm Acquisition Behavior” – International Journal of Emerging Markets, 18(12): 5818-5839. -Reddy, R., S-J Park, and S. Mooty. 2022. “Emerging Market Firm Investments in Advanced Markets: A Country of Origin Perspective” – Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 65(September): 100748. -Park, S-J, S.W. Lee, Brandon B. Lee, and H.T. Kim. 2021. Corporate Innovation and Audit Fees. Pan-Pacific Journal of Business Research, 12(2): 1-24. -Jiménez-Angueira, C., E. Nwaeze, and S-J Park. 2021. The Effect of Conservative Financial Reporting and Tax Aggressiveness on the Market Valuation of Unrecognized Tax Benefits. Asian Review of Accounting, 29(2): 150-172. -Behrend, M., S. Khan, Y-W Ko, and S-J Park. 2020. Abnormal Audit Fees and Audit Quality: Evidence from the Korean Audit Market. Journal of International Accounting Research, 19(3): 37-60.